Hotell Dnistr har en bar med panoramautsikt. Här kan man avnjuta ett glas vin, kaffe eller en middag till en vacker utsikt.
Krokusar tittar fram i backen. Våren har kommit till Lviv.
March 06, 2017 at 09:52PM
March 04, 2017 at 12:25PM
Alfa Jazz festivalen börjar ta form! Följ dem för att få de senaste bokningarna.
Alfa Jazz Fest (official)
Alfa Jazz Fest – Lviv Summer Days
February 18, 2017 at 11:06PM
Intressant artikel om Lviv som porten till Ukrainas marknad.
Western Ukraine Could Be an Entry Point into the Country –
When Ukraine makes the headlines, it is generally because of the war, which started in 2014, in the eastern part. This has hugely influenced the political and economic situation of the country, including the ease of doing business. However, it’s unjustified to think that, given the circumstances, in…
February 13, 2017 at 08:54PM
LvivResor stödjer och hoppas på en direktlinje mellan Norge och Ukraina! Stöd du också detta initiativ. Skriv på deras namninsamling redan ikväll!
Direct Flights: Norway-Ukraine
Did you know? By donating to our project more people in Norway and Ukraine will be able to participate in our travel survey, petition and/or video contest.